Saturday 8 December 2012

angel figurines for christmas gift
Angels of the Lord have long been seen as the messengers and guardians of God. They are sent by God to bring tidings of joy (NIV Hebrews 12:22), and of judgment and destruction (NIV Genesis 19:15). But angles have also come to be representative of God's protectors. "For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways" (NIV Psalm 91:11). It is for this reason that angel figurines have become one of the favorite collector's items of Christians and non-Christians alike. The figurine gives the owner the very real sense that his/her guardian angel is right there watching over his/her family and life. The physical representation of God's messengers gives the owners a visual link to the unseen guardians of God.
Angel Dog figurines
For adults, the need for a physical representation of the unseen guardian angels finds satisfaction in the collection and displaying of angel figurines. However, the purpose of such figurines may also allow for humans to remember in a visual way the active roles that angels have in the Bible in both the past and future events. Angels are found throughout the Bible from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelations. Jesus referred to the angels of children as ones who "always see the face of my Father in heaven" (NIV Mathew 18:10). Baby angels, or cherubs, are depicted in many pieces of artwork as watching over the infant Jesus and Mary. These same baby angels are thought to watch over babies and children until those children reach the age of understanding. While children do not need a physical representation of their guardians, the angel that is placed upon the top of a Christmas tree helps to remind and reinforce the role of the angels who heralded in the birth of Christ.
Angel figurinesPerhaps the reason that angel figurines have such a treasured place in the homes of so many people is that they represent the purity, beauty, and love of God. Angel figurines are typically depicted as beautiful, prayerful, and loving creatures who "Praise the Lord..., who obey his word" (Psalm 103:20). This is a reminder to believers of Christ that they should always praise God and obey his word and commandments. Just as the angels portray beauty in the flesh, the very act of praising God, believing in Christ, and obeying his Word allows believers to achieve a beauty that is God sent. Having angel figurines in the home gives their owners a visual reminder of the love of God and his requirements for his followers.


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